Friday, January 18, 2008

1. The strengths of personal essays for me is that I'm writing about a memory that I had, so I already know what my ideas are, and I don't have to take a ton of time making up crap. It's much easier to write about something you experienced. The weakness is sometimes remembering what happend. Or, making it longer and more descriptive. Like I said before, it's much easier to write something that you experienced than writing fiction, because you have to make something up and it takes way longer. No, I would never write a personal essay on my own time.

2. Reading is so crucial to a writer because it helps the writer develope vocabulary. They learn to be more descriptive by reading other people's work and getting ideas and stuff. Reading also broadens your imagination. If you never have any ideas, you could read and one thing will lead to another. Something will remind you of something else, and then you'll be like "Wow! I know what I want to write about! Blah Blah Blah I love imagination" So yeah reading is really important for alot of reasons, but mainly because it helps your vocabulary, they learn to be more descriptive, and it brodens your imagination. yay!

3. My favorite peice that I've written in creative writing would probably be one of my poems. Probably the one where I wrote about beanie babies and my brother. It was sweet. It was my favorite peice because it was my favorite memory as a child. My favorite writing genre is poems because they're really easy and I really like to rhyme. The greatest challange to write was the play. I really didn't like it because it was sooo hard. I didn't understand how to start it, and I still don't. Like, how do you introduce the scene? I don't get it, and probably never will. I don't care for my play or my short story. Neither of them made any sense. I tried to write them good, but it really didn't work, especially for the ending. I feel like I don't know how to end a story. They always end with no point, or they don't make any sense.

Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
Li'l Wayne or Little Debbie: li'l wayne
McDonald's or Arby's: arbys
Chiptole or Taco Bell: Can't decide. They're both DELICIOUS
American Idol or MTV: MTV
Buffalo Wings or Florida: FLorida
New York City or Los Angeles: NYC
Name you like for your future daughter: Charlie or Peach. you think im joking, but im not
Name you like for your future son: Kyle or Pear
What is or what will be the first country you see outside the continent of North America: France
Disney movie you would be most likely to watch on your 21st birthday: Thumbelina

Monday, January 7, 2008

An Unexcitingly Titled Blog

1.I value happiness. It basically guides me through life. When I don't feel happy, I don't want to do anything and I just sit at home moping. When I'm happy, I don't have to think about the things that bother me. Things like school, parents, work, and such. Instead, I think about the good stuff, like friends... and that's basically it. Being happy is really important because it makes you feel good

2. Jamie Lyn Spears is pregnant and she had to discontinue her show. I watched Zoey 101 for the first time over break, and it was the last episode. In the show, her parents came to pick her up to tell her the "good news." They were moving to England. So i guess that was the end. Jamie thought she was impregnated with her boyfriend. But really, it turned out to be some executive producer or something. This changed my views of that girl. I thought she was completely different from her sister Brittany, but she's actually a disgusting slut who sleeps with 40 year olds.

3. One thing I hope to accomplish in 2008 is to sleep more and keep up my grades. For one, I never get enough sleep. I saw something on a commecial for the news the other day about how if your awake for 18 hours and driving, it has the same effect as if you were drunk. I think that if i get more sleep, I will be able to drive better and also focus more in school. That leads to keeping up my grades. This last quarter, I had a B average. My goal is to keep this average. The reason is because my mom said she would pay for my car insurance if i have a B average or higher. Also, it would be a good way to get into the college that I want to go to.